

The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.

Theme: Pathways and Employment

GCM Objective: 6, 18

The Government of Vietnam, in conjunction with IOM, provided health, psychosocial and other support to migrant women who have experienced harassment and violence in the workplace and at home. Self-help groups for women were formed to empower them to speak out and raise awareness of violence against women, strengthening policy development and implementation. Parallel groups for men were also formed to help raise their awareness of issues of gender inequality and violence against women. The project reported changes in the attitudes and behaviours of participants and emphasised how self-help groups had become curcial to support and knowledge to deal with gender-based violence.

Theme: Integration and Participation

GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14, 15

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