An estimated 100 million women migrant workers send remittances annually, representing half of all remittance senders globally (IFAD 2017). The Commission on the Status of Women recognizes that the positive contributions of migrant women and girls, in particular women migrant workers, have the potential to foster inclusive growth and sustainable development in countries of origin, transit and destination (see E/2019/27- E/CN.6/2019/19).

This is despite the fact that migrant women continue to face inequalities in the labour market owing to gender discrimination. For instance, the wages of women migrant workers are commonly lower than men’s owing to the persistent gender wage gap, and women migrant workers may also pay up to 20 per cent more in remittance transfer fees than men. The Global Compact for Migration recommends the promotion of gender-responsive programs and instruments to enhance financial inclusion of migrants. Recognizing the positive contributions of migrant women to development while also advocating for women’s economic empowerment and access to social protection are ways to work toward gender responsiveness.

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