The Government of Indonesia, with support from UN Women, is working through its judicial institutions to provide training modules to judges. These modules train judges in avoiding discriminatory attitudes towards women, including migrants, who are in conflict with the law. After a pilot program, Indonesia's Supreme Court committed to the program's institutionalisation for training of all in-service judges.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3
Indonesia enacted a new Law on the protection of Indonesian migrant workers (Law No 18/2017). The new law reinforces policies to provide end-to-end protection to overseas workers via socio-economic and legal protection before, during, and after recruitment, provision of social security, skills improvement and strengthening of public recruitment agencies.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 6, 22
The Government of Indonesia began a program called "Protecting and Empower Victims of Trafficking", or EMPOWER, to support its efforts in fight trafficking of persons by strengthening the capacity of government and civil society to protect and empower victims of human trafficking. It also seeks to address the root causes of trafficking.