

The Government of Morocco is providing social assistance services to its entire population, regardless of migration status. This includes provision of services in the National Mutual Aid program for disadvantaged women and victims of violence, as well as protection to migrant children and the disabled through the Solidarity, Family and Social Development Ministry.

Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services

GCM Objective: 12, 15, 22

The Government of Morocco is enacting a policy to allow irregular migrants to become reuglarized and integrate them into Moroccan society. This allows them access to basic social services and formal employment. The aim of the policy is to address the vulnerability and often dire living conditions of irregular migrants, especially women.

Theme: Integration and Participation

GCM Objective: 12, 16

Financed by the EU and Terre des Hommes, the Government of Morocco implemented its Takine-Migrants project to improve access to health care and educational services for migrant women and children from Sub-Saharan Africa. The project aims to improve medical, social and psychological care of migrant women.

Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities

GCM Objective: 7, 15

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